What is a mobility expert?
In today’s overly commoditized and hyper-competitive world of mobility, choosing the right mobility expert can make a radical difference to your company’s growth and success. A worthy distributor is so much more than just a warehouse stuffed with SKUs; they work with you to find solutions and to help enable your business. When I think about “the other distributors”, (you know who I am talking about – those big and bulky conglomerate distributors), I am continually reminded of the old saying; “jack of all trades and master of none”.
“Jack” brags about his extensive line card that includes laptops, displays, phones, gaming councils, software, IT peripherals, security equipment, gadgets, doohickeys, and literally thousands of other skus that you could care less about. That’s great if you’re in the business of buying everything, but you’re focused on mobile. “Jack” may be able to sell you mobile devices but he doesn’t know ‘jack’ when it comes to model specifications, provisioning, engineering, customization, integration, forecasting, supply chain, demand and deployment. If you’re looking for that granular level of support, then you need an expert that focuses exclusively on mobile. A mobility expert provides value at every touch point in the distribution chain – from a comprehensive inventory, to training and support; to marketing and system design; all the way to packing, kitting, and 3PL services.
Vertex Wireless is the only direct OEM wireless distributor that is entirely focused on mobility. By focusing on mobility solutions, our OEM partnerships, and true collaboration, we offer an unparalleled level of service and support for the products and solutions that matter most to you. We’ve developed a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of the mobility ecosystem. Mobility is our passion. We live, eat, sleep mobile. We out hustle all of the other distributors because we are the mobility experts.
Our mobility expertise dates back to 1986 and has taken years of trial and error, as well as, a lot of hard work to perfect. With over 150 years of combined mobility intelligence, our diverse team and experience delivers valuable insight that empowers and compliments our partner’s go-to-market efforts. Vertex Wireless has direct distribution, parts, engineering, and service relationships with nearly every OEM in North America. These relationships include Samsung, BlackBerry, LG, Alcatel, Motorola and others. Our valued OEM partnerships enable us to provide both hardware and mobility solutions spanning product conception through asset recovery. Finally, we stock what we sell!! If you’re tired of waiting 6 to 8 weeks for delivery of your orders give us a try! You won’t be disappointed.
I will leave you with a small piece of advice. If your current distributor says it can’t be done, it’s time to get another expert. Work with the real mobility experts – Vertex Wireless.
Published October 26, 2018 by Mike Fleming, Director of Marketing, Vertex Wireless